
Hudsonville Freshman Campus

Monday, September 9, 2013

2013 MEAP Social Studies

Once again, HFC students will take the social studies MEAP online this fall through the state's MIST™ (Measurement Incorporated Secure Testing) program.  We operated the MEAP through this testing system for the first time last year with great success and believe this year won't be any different.

MIST™ is a very easy-to-use system with an interface that is very similar to any web browser. However, the Office of Standards and Assesment (OSA) encourages students  to become familiar with the MIST™ system before the actual test and created an online practice test (4 questions only) for students to see what it looks like and how it works (https://mi.misttest.com/practice).  

Some additional information regarding the MIST Practice Tests

·         The MIST Practice Tests contain the same navigational instructions students will see in the live test, along with several sample questions that have not appeared on any MEAP test.

·         The practice test is not password protected and does not require pre-registration.

·         Web-deployed MIST looks and behaves like the computer-based MIST application 
except the practice tests do not require the student to log in and the browser can be minimized.

·         The practice test is not scored and no feedback is given to students after they submit their practice test.